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New Course Coming Soon!

Conceive Resilience: The ART of Coping with Reproductive Stress

Master the ART of Coping with Reproductive Stress So You Can Enjoy Life More... Even During Your Fertility Treatments!

Inside you will learn...

  • How to assess your stress profile and the impact stress is having on your quality of life.
  • How to identify preferred coping tools and practical strategies to use to revive your sense of wellbeing.
  • How to overcome overwhelm and enjoy more of life with the 3 P's: Personalize, Practice and Prioritize!
  • PLUS a DIY option, group support or individual attention, AND education and support for your friends and family too! Plus much more!

Hi! I'm Leah!

I have lived through fertility treatments myself for 10+ years. I have survived and successfully built our family through the use of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). But it has not been without experiencing intense struggle, grief and trauma that I have gotten our family to where we are today.

Leah Micallef, MSW, Fertility Companion
Leah Micallef, MSW, RSW Founder of Conceive Resilience and The Fertility Resilience Project

I am a registered social worker in Ontario, Canada, and it is my personal experience that inspires my mission to provide education and counselling for people using ART so that they can maintain resiliency and preserve their quality of life during their fertility journey.

I am working on an online program for people using ART who want to enjoy more of life IN SPITE of the stress caused by using reproductive technologies to build a family.

Does this sound like you?

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